In some cases, feature layers, map services, and web maps may contain content that is not currently supported in this extension. When you add a web map, layer, or shapefile to the Compilation window, ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud evaluates the content to ensure that everything is supported. If any unsupported content is found, a report containing a list of all the errors and details of the unsupported content will be created. This report can be saved as a text file by clicking the Save report file button on the top right of the compilation window. It may sometimes be useful to share this report with the GIS administrators who have published the web maps and layers if there are issues, so they can make modifications.
Some common causes for an error to appear include the following:
- Unsupported map service types (for example, WMS and vector tile).
- Shape field is missing in the map service.
- User cannot access some of the services in a template.
- Tiled service layers or dynamic map services without the Query operation enabled.
- Service, shapefile, or web map item exceeds the MaxRecordCount limit set.
The map extent and scale and other details are also included in the report, allowing the GIS administrator to reproduce the error to help resolve the issues. You can review a list of common errors in the Troubleshoot documentation.
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