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Listed below are error messages you may encounter when working with the ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud extension and some recommended solutions. If you do not find your current issue, and you are a member of an ArcGIS organization, send the issue to your administrator and request that they contact Esri Support.

Remarque :

This extension makes requests to several online Esri resources. If your organization employs a firewall to filter outgoing requests, ensure that these URLs are on the allow list to avoid related issues.


Basemap cannot be reprojected.

You've selected a projection that the current basemap does not support.

Choose a vector basemap (Vector Street Map, Natural Earth) or change the map's projection to match the basemap.

Data is outside of the map.

There are no features to draw at the current extent of your map.

Change the extent to view features, or add a data source that does contain features at the extent of your map.

ERROR 24: To create a mapboard, you must select a basemap that uses Web Mercator projection.

The Mapboard window requires a basemap that uses a Web Mercator projection. For ArcGIS Enterprise accounts in a disconnected environment, the basemap selected in the Mapboard window is based on the default basemap configured for your organization.

In the Mapboard window, click the Select Basemap button and choose another basemap. If your ArcGIS Enterprise organization is configured with a custom basemap gallery, it must include at least one Web Mercator basemap (such as Dark Gray Canvas). Contact your organization administrator if the basemap gallery doesn't include a supported basemap. (You can change the basemap and map projection later in the Compilation window.)

Failed to load image server layer.

Failed to load map service layer.

The image service is unreachable. It may no longer exist, or the service URL may have changed.

Check whether the service is still reachable through the REST endpoint, and consult the author of the service.

Failed to load image service layer. The image output size exceeds the layer's max image height or width.

When you add an image service to the Compilation window, it will fail to load if the maximum image height and width in pixels surpasses the required limit.

Increase the max image size on the service or reduce the size of your mapboard or reduce the PPI (or a combination of any of those options).

Feature layer has the Shape field turned off.

When the service in question was published, the Shape field was turned off. The Shape field contains geometry information for features in the service and is required for many spatial operations.

Republish the service with the Shape field turned on.

Feature layer query exceeded the maxRecordCount or tileMaxRecordCount limit.

Map and feature services have a maximum number of records that they will return to a query. If the number of results from a query exceeds the limit, this error will be shown and the layer will be removed from the map.

The max record count can be increased to support larger queries.

Remarque :
Read more on how you can increase the maxRecordCount and the tileMaxRecordCount.

Finished with error. Pattern swatches are not supported with this process. Please choose a solid swatch.

The Illustrator library file specified for the Custom Swatch process contains a patterned swatch, which can't be applied using the process.

Apply pattern swatches in the downloaded map using Adobe Illustrator instead (or use solid swatches when running the Custom Swatch process).

Layer incompatible with current mapping profile.

A layer in the Compilation window is not compatible with the currently selected mapping profile. This could affect the downloaded map if it's synced with the current layer and mapping profile.

Replace the layer with one that is compatible or change the mapping profile. For example, if you're using the Default mapping profile and add the VectorStreetMap layer, this warning will appear. Changing the basemap to a vector tile basemap (such as Navigation) or changing the Current Map Settings to use the Legacy mapping profile will resolve the warning and allow syncing the map correctly.

Map service layer does not support Query operation; features will be downloaded as raster.

The service in question does not have the Query operation enabled. This operation allows querying of the underlying features that are contained in the service. If it is disabled, you will get raster data in the output rather than vector features.

Enable the Query operation on the service.

One or more layers are not visible at the scale.

When the mapping community and users share multiscale maps and layers on ArcGIS Online, they may choose to set a visible range or zoom levels on these maps and layers to reduce the amount of clutter. This is a standard practice when authoring a multiscale map. It allows you to continually view geographic data across a range of scales—global to building level.

Increase (or decrease) the scale of the mapboard.

Remarque :

Doing this could alter the amount of detail you see and the size of the mapboard.

The Clip to graphics extent option is not currently supported, recreate the AIX file with this option disabled.

The layout exported from ArcGIS Pro has Clip to graphics extent turned on. With this setting enabled, the extension cannot properly align the mapboard with the layers from your ArcGIS Pro project.

In your ArcGIS Pro project, turn off Clip to graphics extent and export your layout to AIX again.

The layer cannot be added to the map. Please check your permissions to the layer or layers.

The signed-in user does not have access to the layer or layers in question.

Contact the author of the service to get access.

The layer cannot be added to the map. The layer's spatial reference is different from the map.

You are trying to add a cached map service that uses a different spatial reference than the current map.

Change the spatial reference in Current Map Settings to match your cached service, create a new mapboard, and add your service again.

Unsupported map service type.

The service in question is of an unsupported type (WMS, WCS, and so on).

Republish the data as a supported layer type (map, feature, or image service).

Vector tile layers are not supported.

The service in question is a vector tile layer, which is only supported with an ArcGIS organizational account.

Republish the data as a supported layer type (map, feature, or image service).

Web Tiled Layers are not supported yet.

The service in question is a Web Tiled layer, which is not currently supported in the ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud extension.

Republish the data as a supported layer type (map, feature, or image service).