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Configuration properties for Roadway Reporter

ArcGIS Roadway Reporter web app properties can be configured using the config.json file located in RoadwayReporter web server folder. Edit this configuration file to modify and set up these properties.

Configuring the Roadway Reporter web app is one of the steps in deploying Roadway Reporter. Ensure that all Roadway Reporter web app steps are completed before editing this file.



Specifies the unique ID or URL to an authored web map hosted on either or the web server. After authoring a web map and sharing it publicly, the contents can be accessed directly by a URL.

For example, if the web map is hosted on, log in with your Global Account and browse to My Content. Click the title of the web map you are interested in to get more details. At this point, the URL will have the following format:<webmapID>.

For example,

Ensure the web map is shared with everyone (public).

Copy only the ID portion of the URL as the web map ID value for the configuration.

"webmap": "1dcf369089804329946e3b3abf385251",


Specifies the URL to a geometry service. By default, the configuration file contains a link to the geometry service hosted on ArcGIS Online, but it can be configured to refer to any geometry service hosted on any other ArcGIS Server instance.


Specifies the relative URL to the proxy page on the web server.

"proxyUrl": "proxy/proxy.ashx",


  • enabled
  • refreshTokenExpiration

ArcGIS Roads and Highways Server supports secure login via portal on the published map service with linear referencing capability. This security is provided using OAuth 2.0. These are optional configuration settings.

enabled—Specifies whether token authentication is enabled for the web app.

Remarque :

By default, tokenSecurity is disabled. If this setting is disabled, a portal configuration is not required, but you will not be able to save report configurations. This setting should only be disabled to test your Roadway Reporter deployment.

refreshTokenExpiration—Specifies the duration that a refresh token is valid, in minutes.


  • appID
  • url

In order to secure access to Roadway Reporter, you must first register the web app with either Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online.

appID—Specifies the application ID after Roadway Reporter has been registered with either Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online.

url—Specifies the startup URL for your portal or ArcGIS Online configuration.

  • If you are using Portal for ArcGIS, the URL is http://<portal domain>/arcgis
  • If you are using ArcGIS Online, the URL is


Specifies the URL to the Generate Report geoprocessing service published to your instance of ArcGIS Server. Browse to the ArcGIS REST Services Directory and select the GenerateReport geoprocessing service. Copy the URL for the Generate Report task. The URL will have the following format:


The time in seconds you will wait for the Generate Report geoprocessing service to become available if the max number of instances is already in use. The default value is 60 seconds.


The maximum number of unique values that will be populated when you create mileage fields based on unique values. The default is 20 unique values.


Specifies the maximum number of routes to display per query. The default value is 6,000 routes. This is an optional configuration setting.

Remarque :

If the spatialQueryLimit is too high, the routes will not display on the map.


  • smtpServer
  • smtpPort
  • smtpSecurity
  • smtpUsername
  • smtpPassword
  • senderEmailAddress

If you set up email credentials, then Roadway Reporter can send an email link to download the report once it's ready.

smtpServer—The valid email server to use

smtpPort—The port on the email server to use (default 25)

smtpSecurity—The email server security type; either SSL or TLS

smtpUsername—The secure valid email server's user name

smtpPassword—The secure valid email server's password

senderEmailAddress—The email address from which email will be sent