The sections below highlight key updates and improvements to the capabilities of ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud with each release. For the latest information about supported software versions and account types, see Requirements.
Version 3.0 July 2021
- ArcGIS Enterprise support—The extension now supports ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and later. You can also sign in to the extension with an ArcGIS Enterprise account in a disconnected environment.
- More user types—You can now use the extension by signing in with an ArcGIS organizational account that's assigned a Viewer or Editor user type.
- Vector tile layers—If you have an ArcGIS organizational account, you can use vector tile layers and vector tile basemaps to create your maps when you choose the new Default mapping profile.
- Equal Earth projection—Create world maps by choosing an Equal Earth projection in Current Map Settings.
- Browse group content—Use the Groups data category to find content shared to groups in your ArcGIS organization to which you have access, such as groups you own and groups you’re a member of. (You no longer need to add the M4CC tag to a group to browse items in your organization.)
Version 2.2 October 2020
- Mapboards are now automatically generated when you open an .aix file, so you can add more content to the corresponding maps using the compilation window.
- Support has been added for Adobe Illustrator 2021 and Adobe Photoshop 2021.
Version 2.1 September 2020
- View and edit mapboard coordinates—You can now specify a more precise map extent in the Mapboard Options window by entering geographic coordinates for any of the mapboard's four corners.
- Installation—The installer has been improved and more supporting documentation has been added, including workflows to support large-scale deployments and more information about the Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) program.
- Continued interface improvements—Several settings, buttons, and messages throughout the user interface have been improved for clarity and consistency.
Version 2.0 May 2020
- Integration with the new ArcGIS Pro Adobe Illustrator Exchange (AIX) file format—You can now open exported maps and layouts from ArcGIS Pro in Illustrator for graphic design. If you have an ArcGIS Online account, when you sign in and open the .aix file in Illustrator, the extension converts vector and raster map content into editable, layered artwork that you can save for use in other Adobe Creative Cloud applications.
- Join Lines process—If line features appear as many small segments in the Illustrator file, you can join their endpoints using this new process to improve their appearance in the map.
- Redesigned interface for Processes—The new interface allows you to configure and run processes in the same window. You now set the library path for your custom symbols, brushes, and swatches in the Processes window instead of the Settings window.
- Redesigned interface for finding content—Usability improvements make it easier to browse and search ArcGIS Libraries when importing and adding layers and maps.
- Option to ignore shapefile projection—If you have a Plus or ArcGIS Online account, you now have the option to specify whether to use your data's projection when defining a map extent from a shapefile or ignore it and use the default Web Mercator instead. You can turn this new option on or off in Settings or be prompted to choose each time.
- Flash feature on map—When you use the Attributes tool in the Compilation window, you can use this new button to flash the selected feature on the map to help you confirm your selection.
Version 1.5 October 2019
- Installation—You can now download ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud directly from our website. We're introducing update notifications with this release, so in the future, when the next version becomes available, the extension will let you know so you can choose when to update to the latest.
- Feature attributes and labels—Click a feature on the map to view its attributes and add respective labels as text layers.
- Visualize routes—New analysis tool for displaying routes on the map between origin and destination points based on a selected travel mode, such as driving time and walking distance.
- GPX file support—Use GPX files to create an extent in the Mapboards window and to add layers in the Compilation window.
- Hide non-drawing layers—Choose to hide all non-drawing layers so they don't appear in the layer list.
- Automatic layer sorting—Click a button to sort layers by geometry type so polygon features don't cover line and point features on the map.
- Searchable field lists—Type a search string to filter long field lists when choosing which attribute to use for labeling, styling, and filtering layers.
- Batch symbol updates—Change or delete the symbology of multiple categories within a layer when styling by category. You can also sort the symbol list by label or count (number of features).
Version 1.4 June 2019
This release has introduced geoenrichment tools, a new option when using the extension, the ability to duplicate a mapboard, and the option to sync individual layers.
- Plus—An in-app purchasing option for commercial-grade access at a low monthly cost to all premium maps and layers in ArcGIS Online and advanced features within the extension. Review the Functionality matrix for details.
- Mapboards—Defining map extents inside others is now easier. Mapboards have a tabbed appearance, allowing resizing and positioning similar to those of a web browser tab.
- Duplicate mapboards—An existing mapboard can now be easily duplicated (copying the geographic extent, page size, and layers as part of the map). Duplicate replaces the previously ability to unlock a synced map. If you need to make changes to a mapboard's page size, scale, and so on after it's been downloaded, you now make a duplicate of the existing mapboards, and update the new mapboard with your changes.
- Sync Individual Layers—Ability to turn on and off whether a layer is downloaded as part of a map sync, allowing a finer level of control and performance for improved efficiency during map updates.
- Visualize location analysis—Ability to create buffers, add demographic attributes (geoenrichment) to existing layers, and visualize travel times.
- Show overlapping labels—Ensure all features on a map are labeled regardless of space constraints. This allows you to interactively reposition and remove text elements in Illustrator.
- Legend—Create a graphic table of unique map symbols with the associated names based on the layer structure from the Illustrator document.
- The scale bar, text, and other map surround graphics are now optional processes and are generated outside the artboard.
- Non-drawing layers are no longer removed from the compilation window layer list. The layers are grayed-out with an icon indicating the reason for it not drawing. They can be removed manually or steps can be taken to change the map or layer settings using details provided on the troubleshooting documentation page.
Version 1.3 September 2018
- Mapboards—Defining the extent of your map is now easier. This release introduces the ability to define an extent from a layer, a map, or a file saved on your computer.
- Embed map—Your compiled map can now be embedded when you sync as part of your Illustrator or Photoshop document so you can come back to it later.
- Favorites—Use the Favorites button when adding layers or web maps to organize content that you frequently use. This new functionality allows you to gather content and make it readily accessible.
- Projections—You can now specify custom projection parameters for your compiled map.
- Redo/Undo—Undo or redo actions in the Compilation window.
- Keyboard shortcuts—Simple shortcut keys, similar to common shortcuts used in Adobe apps, are now supported.
- Share to ArcGIS Online—Save your maps created with ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud as items in ArcGIS Online.
Version 1.2 March 2018
This release has been focused on improving your experience when using the Mapboards window and has introduced some new capabilities, including the following:
- Ability to add KML files.
- Imperial units-based scale bar.
- You can change the default download location of your maps.
- Better support for non-English-running Adobe applications.
- Mapboards window—This release includes a better editing experience when using the Mapboards window. You now have faster access to width, height, and scale settings. The ability to lock and unlock the window has been added, sizing now honors map scale or page size settings, and you can choose from a list of Adobe's preset document sizes and get access to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Living Atlas web maps in the Mapboards window.
Version 1.1 October 2017
This release includes the following new options and capabilities:
- Sign in to your ArcGIS Online account in the extension using your organization-specific login (if configured by your administrator).
- Try ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud using a Complimentary email login by signing in with your email address. You have access to all public content hosted on ArcGIS Online as an anonymous user.
- Create maps with new large-scale detailed vector content for the United States and the world.
- Add and modify existing layer labels; manage labels to improve the overall appearance of your map.
- Add and modify existing filters (definition queries) to refine what data is visible in map layers based on attribute queries.
- Add .csv and .txt file data into the compilation window (geocode).
- Find places and add locations to the compilation window by typing a search based on name, address, or category (geosearch).
- Use the new continuous scale buttons to refine map scale with a greater level of precision.
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